Service Roles

Welcoming & Check In

Arrive: 30 minutes prior to service

Role: To ensure all attendees complete all COVID requirements as they enter (Check in with Service NSW, are marked off/added to the attendee list, sanitise their hands and are seated in an appropriately spaced seat). To complete this, it’s helpful to divide the roles of scanning, marking and seating.

These team members will also be able to see any new comers to our congregation.

Bible Reading

Arrive: 15 minutes prior to service

Role: To read the allocated verse aloud to the congregation.

Prep: We recommend you read your allocated verse a few times prior to the service. If you find any words you don’t know how to pronounce (there are some tricky ones, especially in the Old Testament), feel free to reach out to our ministry team or try googling it’s pronunciation.



Arrive: 15 minutes prior to service

Role: To pray aloud during the service and then lead the congregation in the Lord’s Prayer.


Arrive: 30 minutes prior to service


Role: To ensure all slides are ready for the service, that they reflect all inclusions and are properly linked. During the service, you’ll then be responsible for moving through the slides as appropriate. The Service Leader should have been informed of any additions to the service (such as guests or special features), which can then be added typically from USB. The Preacher may also have slides for their sermon, which will typically come with notes on when to switch or a verbal run through. Please ensure all links and videos have been properly tested prior to the service commencing.

NB: If you’re undertaking this role for the morning service, please ensure any digital inclusions are saved to the desktop and any physical notes kept on the desk for use at the evening service.

Prep: No prep is required prior to the day, all prep is completed in the 30 minutes prior to the service commencing.

Service Leading

Arrive: 45 minutes prior to service

Role: Prior to the service, this role ensures everyone involved in the running of the service is ready and prepared. On the day of the service, they then run the service, ensuring that it operates effectively and cohesively linking all the parts as one.

Prep: To ensure you’re all set for the service, it’s best to touch base with all other serving roles to make sure everyone’s ready as you prepare the service order. When making the service order, you may want to pre-script or have key notes for things you want to say. Some key timings of when you may be required to speak during the service include: to commence the service, to introduce the service, to introduce others or key activities (singing, news, bible reading, etc) and to conclude the service. Knowing what’s happening in all other sections of the service is critical in achieving cohesion. As such, it’s recommended you read the bible verse, chat to the preacher and look at the songs that have been chosen.